Now to the pictures. The page is only showing PART of the picture, so click on it to see the full picture.
Please excuse the vignetting. I know it is cliche, but it seemed fitting at that moment.
Please excuse the vignetting. I know it is cliche, but it seemed fitting at that moment.
I've been shooting INTO the sun a lot, which is against *common* knowledge. Shooting into the sun is "in".
The one above isn't my favorite, but other people seem to like it, so here it is.
I also experimented with a reverse lens mount as you can see by the picture above. Yes! macros shot INTO the sun. I like it.
turns out that portraits are often great when shooting ....towards and sometimes into the sun if you like that kind of thing. In this situation, it lights up her hair quite nicely.
I also recently took a walk down the tracks....again.
On this one (above), I DO plan on going back with a tripod so that I can get a shot with greater depth of field, but this is what I have until then.
I've also been working on portraits.
There you have it. This is what I've been up to. You should be impressed because it seems like I've had ZERO time to shoot, but yet I've taken a few decent shots. I know that some aren't optimal, but I feel like I'm a concert pianist who isn't allowed to practice, but is expected to perform. I have, in fact, offered to shoot family portraits (outdoors) for a bunch of friends for FREE, but not many have taken me up on that. I need more practice, people. One couple who I'm friends with accepted my offer, and it turned out well...or fairly well - this is why we practice :) if you'd like to see their family pictures or the pictures of a wedding I did spur-of-the moment, then head over to my facebook page (until I get a real page):
until next time